Body Procedures

Ultrasonic Cavitation

Ultrasonic Cavitation is a virtually painless, non-surgical body contouring technique that’s performed as an alternative to liposuction.

Ultrasonic Cavitation is a virtually painless, non-surgical body contouring technique that’s performed as an alternative to liposuction.

What is ultrasonic cavitation?

Ultrasonic cavitation is non invasive treatment that uses ultrasonic waves to turn fat cells into free fatty acids, which are easier for the body to get rid of.

The midsection, upper arms, thighs, hips, and chin area can be targeted with these low-frequency ultrasound waves, which penetrate the skin and create bubbles around fat deposits. The bubbles then burst, causing the body to get rid of them naturally through the urinary tract and lymphatic system.

Proponents of ultrasonic cavitation say that the technology tones and tightens skin, without causing any pain or significant downtime. The machine essentially fragments body tissue with low fiber content, while leaving the tissue structures around it intact.

What to expect from your ultrasonic cavitation treatment

For best results, most patients require between 10 and 12 treatments in-office treatments, but many see up to one to 2 inches (5 cm) of circumference reduction after only five treatments. Each treatment session lasts for around 30 to 50 minutes.

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