
Anti Hair Losing

Many men and women suffer from har losing and weakening. Our goal is to reach capilar recovering and therefore an improvement in the selfstem of the patient.

Many men and women suffer from har losing and weakening. Our goal is to reach capilar recovering and therefore an improvement in the selfstem of the patient.

There are many reasons why hair losing is produced, we offer a solution for each different cause. The platelet rich plasma – PRP – and capilar mesoteraphy treatments are between the most effective solutions. Both include a different set of aproaches to the problem and had been proved as high efficiency treatments.

Before the treatment starts a clinic research of the patient must be done in order to find the cause of the problem and apply a proper treatment method.

The whole treatment is usually is a combination of methods: High frequency, mesoteraphy (once a week) and “homework” therapy that consist in appling a special custom designed lotion and taking some specific aminoacids and vitamins pills.

Platelet Rich Plasma – PRP

This scientifically proved treatment in hair recovering comes from the patient own blood, separate some key elements from the rest of the blood. The result is a regenerative elixir that will be reintroduced in the patient scalp using pain-free micro-needles giving the best of the body regeneration capability to the hair area.

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